sp101 vs gp100 home defense

Who shoots their SP101 or GP100 in double action? - Ruger Forum.
The GP100 is more a full sized home defense or target shooting gun.. the SP101 because it is a little bit heavier 40 ounces (GP) vs 25 ounces.

Compare Guns: Ruger SP101 vs Ruger GP100. In this side by side comparison, . Home»Sports & Recreation»Guns»Side-by-Side. EMBED. Embed a widget.
Best New Revolver around $450.00 Ruger? GP100 or SP100 which is.
Best all around ammo for gp100 & sp101? - the GBO Forums.
686,gp100 and sp101 3" Handguns: The Revolver Forum.. If it's ONLY for home defense, I guess the GP100, but I really like the SP101, and you said she prefers lighter guns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq3UdULuqt8.
I actually plan on buying the GP100 for home defense and back woods carry. Buy the SP101 now and then the GP100 when you get your tax.
Sp101 vs. Gp100 - Page 2 - DefensiveCarry.com.
home defense: sp 101 or GP100? - Page 2 - Ruger Forum.
What are the differences between the GP100 Vs the SP101 besides the. LC9 for carry and want the simplicity of a revolver for home defense.
My SP101 is DAO, I prefer to shoot my GP100 the same way. The GP100 is such a solid gun.. ruger sp101 vs gp100 for home defense.
sp101 vs gp100 home defense
sp101 vs gp100 home defense
Ruger SP101 v GP100 [Archive] - Calguns.net.
686,gp100 and sp101 3" Handguns: The Revolver Forum.. If it's ONLY for home defense, I guess the GP100, but I really like the SP101, and you said she prefers lighter guns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq3UdULuqt8.
I actually plan on buying the GP100 for home defense and back woods carry. Buy the SP101 now and then the GP100 when you get your tax.
Aug 13, 2007. Home · Forum. This is a discussion on Ruger SP101.357 3" vs. GP100.357 3" for CCW within the Defensive Carry Guns forums, part of the.
I just got a gp100 and sp101, what would be a good all around cartridge for it? I'll be .. For in-home defense, just use 158-gr..38spl +P rounds.
I own a SP101 and a GP100; both are 357's. I live in. I would recommend either with a home defense load.. sp101 vs gp100 home defense.
GP100 vs. SP101 - Page 3 - XDTalk Forums - Your XD/XD(m.
Gp100 vs Sp101 - Page 2 - FirearmsTALK.