best colour eyeshadow for blue eyes and blonde hair

What eye shadow makes blue eyes stand out and look the best.
What colour eyeshadow looks best with blue eyes? - Yahoo! Answers.
Medium purple dress, strawberry blonde hair blue eyes. what color eyeshadow? . Best Answer - Chosen by Asker. I have strawberry. Secondly, use a silver eyeshadow (sheer is nice) and put it on your lid up to the crease.
Jun 21, 2010. Earth tones and purples work best. They bring out the blue in your eyes.What color eyeshadow do I use with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair.
Best shadow color for light blue eyes w. - BeautyTalk.
What colors accent blue eyes? - Yahoo! Answers.
Fab Eyeshadow Shades For Blue-green Eyes - the Fashion Spot.
best colour eyeshadow for blue eyes and blonde hair
What eyeshadow for blue eyes and blonde hair? - Yahoo! Answers.
Choosing the Right Eye Shadow for Blue Eyes | Divine Caroline.
For blue eyes and blond hair the best looking eyeshadow. http://www.chacha. com/question/what-color-eyeshado.See entire page ».
best colour eyeshadow for blue eyes and blonde hair
What eye shadow colors compliment blue eyes with dirty blonde hair.I'm 13 and my parents recently told me that I could wear eyeshadow.. like to know what colors look best on dark blue eyes {I have blonde hair}.. that if u want to enhance the colour of ur eyes that shades of purple are best.
Oct 12, 2004. I want to add some bolder colors to my eyeshadow.. I find that browns, purples, pinks, peaches, and champagnes work best. but I want to try something other than that.. When you say you use champagne coloured eyeshadows do u. I myself have blue/green eyes (blond hair tho) and I pretty much use.
I have dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and slightly tan skin. What.
For blue eyes and blond hair the best looking eyeshadow. http://www.chacha. com/question/what-color-eyeshado.See entire page ».
Dec 14, 2012. Once you find the best eyeshadow for your eye color, hair and skin shade. For blondes with blue eyes, purple shades like lilac, lavender and.